Back to Hall & a New Sem

With a blink of a eye, I'm back to old Hall 5. Coming back was a chore as usual, taking the long train ride from end to end, eating away 1 and a half hours of my life. But with that said I should be thankful I have a place in Hall, if not I'll be doing it everyday.

Coming back yesterday on Sunday, was a little wired after enjoying the comforts of home. Hall 5 was especially dark as they only switched on alternate corridor lights, in an attempt to save energy and $$ I guess. Hall doesn't have to save money, but the people living in it has to. Lights and especially fans are left on when no one is in the room, laptops and other electronic devices are turned on almost 24/7.

But the weird factor was that Hall was dead, Hall was is usually quiet but the fact that NIE starts 2 weeks earlier than NTU, makes it worst. Almost 2/3 of the rooms were vacant and the feeling of living in Pulau NTU became real. It had even more greater effect, when my NIE roomies were not in, so leaving me to spend the night alone, I wish him a speedy recovery.

Back to school and a new change to improve on lazy and procrastinating ways. As well as a new change to organise more constructive activities for CSA.

God Bless.


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