Coffee Power - Nescafe Cafe Menu: Cappuccino

Once again I'm back to blogging, still foreign with it though and at the wrong time; Exams peeking from behind the bushes with a sly smile.

So what are we, poor and frustrated, students to do?
Well beside praying, we can draw strength from caffeine and one of my best way, in my opinion, is to drink coffee.

Stay in NTU hall, there's no personal pantry to make my own coffee. Grind the beans, and let water pass through the grains and out comes thick black gold. So I have resorted to 3-in-1. Being a person who can drink coffee and fall asleep the next moment, coffee is not longer for staying up but as a way of life and appreciating the wonders of the Earth.

I was introduced to Nescafe's new 'Cafe Menu: Cappuccino & Mocha' by a very good friend.

I think aesthetics is very important when selling a product and here Nescafe has does it once again. The packing is appealing to the eye and slim so it fits in your hand perfectly. I see a trend with the packaging becoming slimmer and slimmer, not to encourage a slim waist line but so that pouring into a cup is much easier; the powder does not fly all over.

Now to the taste, light on the palate and no lingering bitter aftertaste. But what I was surprised with, was the frothy texture of the coffee, from the time we pour hot till the very last sip. The froth sticks to the side of the cup, just like in Starbucks or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, but isn't hard to clean off.

Aroma: 3 out of 5.
Taste: 4 out of 5.

Personally I would prefer it a little sweeter, standby a sachet of sugar, although true coffee connoisseur would disagree. But true connoisseurs would not even be drinking instant coffee.

PS: Will update when I try the Mocha and also the pricing.

Enjoying mugging all NTU students.
God Bless.


  1. a well written first post! makes me wanna try it!
    btw dslr photos will sell the food better ;)

  2. Sorry I don't have even my point & shoot Canon camera with me. So no choice have to use Nokia Handphone camera.


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